Welcome to Year 4!
'We are learning with Jesus to be the best we can be'
Our class teacher is Miss Mahoney.
Our learning support assistants are Mrs Wilson and Mrs Bowers.
Our inspirational person is Dr Barnardo.
Welcome to Barnardo class!
On this page you will find lots of useful information about our class. This half term our PE days are Monday and Friday. Can children please come into school in full PE kit for on those days.
Snow day activities
Maths - Activities have be set on Purple Mash and a tournament is ongoing on TTRS
SPaG - Recap knowledge of how to use suffixes here you could also practice this weeks spellings on the homework grid found below.
English - Thinking about the wintery scenes we have seen over the past few days, can you create a short setting description. Use powerful adjectives and descriptive language to describe the setting.
Science - Explore where electricity comes from and how it is used. BBC Bitesize
RE - Monday was the feast of the Epiphany. You can watch the Mark 10 mission video here
History - As we start our new topic 'Ancient Greeks' here you can watch a video to learn a little more about Greek Gods and Goddesses.
Maths -
Answers can be written on a separate piece of paper. There is also the ongoing TTRS tournament.
SPaG - Practice this weeks spellings on the homework grid below
Comprehension - Improve your inference skills using the games and activities here
Geography - Recap your knowledge of fossil fuels and types of renewable energy here
Computing - Try to debug the different games on Scratch
Maths - Multiplication and division
SPaG - Test yourself to see how many of this weeks spellings you remember
English - This half term we will be looking at traditional tales, have a read through Little Red Riding Hood or version 2
History - 2do on Purple mash
Art - Practice simple figure drawing techniques
Brain breaks - Wiggle dance Bubble bounce Snowy sensations
Our half termly information sheet:
Our half termly homework overviews:
Here is some examples of our recent work in computing
Please continue to practice our statutory spellings. The full list can be found on the link below:
Year 3 and 4 statutory spelling list
Weekly spelling tests will take place on a Friday.
Multiplication tables check
During June, the children will be taking part in a statutory times tables test that all pupils must take. The purpose of this test is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is an important part of mathematics in Upper Key Stage 2. The test will involve 25 questions based on multiplication questions of times tables up to 12. Please encourage your child to log on to TTRockstars as much as possible to practice their times tables. If the children want to practice the multiplication tables check on TTRS they can access 'Soundcheck' as this gives them the correct amount of questions and it has the same set time limit.
Every day in school we will be practicing our times tables and will be learning up to the 12 x table. Please continue to practice times tables at home by counting, clapping, playing games and much more to help your child to be able to instantly recall their times tables.
YouTube has some very catchy times tables songs which the children might find useful.
I have left some links to websites that your child can use to help learn their times tables...
Thank you all for your co-operation and hard work!
Year 4 have been enjoying our new scheme for learning languages. There are lots of songs and games available for them to play using their class login.
Resources for supporting pupils at home
Useful English and reading websites
KS2 Crystal explorers Prefixes and suffixes Y4 punctuation Y4 Grammar Blue Peter Book Club Y4 Comprehension skills Y3/Y4 Statutory spellings Reading questions
Useful Maths websites
BBC Bitesize Topmarks Mathsframe TTRS
White Rose Maths booklets to support learning at home
Place value Addition and Subtraction Length and perimeter Multiplication and Division
Multiplication and Division (A) Multiplication and Division (B)
Religious Education