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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

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Subject Leader - Mrs Syms


Through our geography curriculum, we want our pupils to have a sense of their place in the world and an awareness and understanding of the people, places and processes globally. We want our pupils to leave our school with a passion for the future of our planet and its people. 

Using the children’s own locality as a starting point, we aim to equip our pupils with the geographical skills and knowledge they need to be able to study, compare and scrutinise a wide range of geographical locations, processes and issues.

Our virtues led curriculum encourages our pupils to work together and to understand the impact that humans have on both the natural and human world. 

St Joseph’s recognises and embraces the different perspectives that our pupils bring to the subject and our careful planning ensures that all pupils, regardless of ability, including those pupils with special education needs or disabilities, or background are able to access the subject.


  • Geography at St Joseph’s provides challenging and enjoyable learning through a range of local and global studies.
  • The long term plan and progression of skills documents carefully maps out which geography units are to be taught throughout the year, ensuring the National Curriculum requirements are fully met.
  • Geography is taught in three half-termly units over the year. 
  • There are opportunities for children to partake in fieldwork both within and beyond the school grounds. Geography topics are carefully planned to enable children of all abilities, including children with SEN, to make the best use of their learning.
  • Where possible and pertinent, geography units are linked to other areas in the curriculum such as art and design, English and  mathematics.


Digimaps for schools link here.

Greater Depth: 

Geography - Greater Depth


The impact of Geography teaching is measured in multiple ways. Our geography curriculum offers high quality and well planned lessons, which are progressive in nature. 

At the end of a unit, children have an opportunity for pupils to demonstrate what they have learnt across their given topic and reflect upon and consolidate their learning. Theis is used to inform Teacher assessment in addition to the work produced in the books and teachers’ reflections on how children have performed in class.

Work is of good quality and demonstrates pupils are acquiring knowledge, skills and vocabulary in an appropriate sequence. Children know more, understand more and remember more about Geography and the world. As children progress throughout the school, they develop a deep knowledge, understanding an appreciation of their local area and its place within the wider geographical context. Our engagement with the local environment ensures that this learning is through varied and first-hand experiences of the world around them. Alongside this they have various fieldwork activities and enquiry questions which enable them to understand that geography impacts upon our lives daily.

As they leave St Joseph's, pupils will have developed a geographical mind of inquiry; an understanding of the world and its human and physical connections; how history has played a part in influencing our planet in terms of trade and migration and the impact that the human race has on the planet.

Geography around the school....