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Welcome to Year 2

We are Nightingale class

Learning with Jesus to be the best that I can be.

Our class teacher is Mrs Stephenson.

Mrs Woodward and Miss Earnshaw are our Learning Support Assistants. 


Year 2 have being enjoying their time in school and learning new things.

 Snow day activities


Phonics play

You could also practise this weeks spellings from the homework grid.

How many spellings can you remember from the Year 2 spelling list


In Year 2, we have been writing instructions. Could you write your own set of instructions on how to build a snow man? 

You could also write a setting description of the view outside your window. Try and use exciting describing words.

You could also practise your handwriting and write your spellings of the week.



The following PPT and worksheet recap some previous learning on 10 more and 10 less. See how much you can remember. There are also Maths activities on purple mash.

Maths PPT

Maths worksheet

Below are some worksheets recapping all of the learning we have covered in Y2 so far. This will be great revision for you all.

Place value worksheet

Addition and Subtraction worksheet

Shape worksheet


In Science the children have been learning about materials. Read through the PPT and see if you can answer the questions on the sheet.

Science PPT

Science worksheet


Our new topic in Art will be all about Vincent Van Gogh. How much can you find out about him? You could share this with the other children when we return to school.


In our new topic we will be looking at the joy that Jesus brings. In our first lesson we will be focusing on the story of Jairus' daughter. Watch the video. Could you retell the story? You could write it down, act it out or draw a picture of your favourite part. 

How do you think the characters in the story felt? Could you think of some questions that you would ask them?


Our new topic this half term is all about London. How many facts can you find out about London? You could share these with the class when we return to school.


Monday was the feast of the Epiphany. You can watch the Mark 10 mission video here.

There will be other activities set on purple mash. 

Purple mash link


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Here are some examples of our computing work 



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