Welcome to the Early Years Foundation Stage
We are Seacole class
Learning with Jesus to be the best that I can be.
Our class teacher is Mrs Shackleton.
Mrs Metcalfe teaches us on Mondays.
Mrs Gill is our Learning Support Assistant.
Autumn 1 - Super Me!
Reception have been busy settling into school life, making new friends and learning new things. our topic this term is Super Me. We are thinking about what makes us special and unique. We are learning about fictional superheroes and real life super heroes such as the emergency services.
Curriculum Plans Half termly parent information sheet Spring 1
Reward system
In Reception and Year One, the children use a 'Rainbow' reward system. Children begin the day on the 'Sunshine'.
Children who work hard, follow our 'Be attitudes' and rules will be placed on the 'Rainbow'. They will receive a rainbow ticket to acknowledge their achievements.
Children will be placed on the 'Raincloud' if they need to alter their behaviour. They are given the opportunity to move back onto the 'Sunshine' once their behaviour or efforts improve.
St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School uses the Supersonic Phonic Friends scheme to promote rigorous synthetic phonic teaching for reading success. Please access the link to learn more about the scheme: https://www.supersonicphonicfriends.co.uk/
Useful websites to support phonicsPhonicsplay - Some resources require a subscription but there are many free games and resources
Mr. Thorne - Videos of sounds plus many other reading resources
Geraldine the Giraffe - Videos of sounds featuring the comic character 'Geraldine'.
'Letters and Sounds' is a useful tool for games to play at home.
Correct articulation of phonemes