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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

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Pupil Welfare


St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School is committed to keeping each and every child safe at all times. Our safeguarding policy details the procedures staff follow to protect children from harm and promote their welfare.

Mrs Robinson is the designated safeguarding lead in school. Miss Lister and Miss Nugent are deputy DSLs the named persons for child protection within our school too. However, all of our staff are regularly trained in safeguarding and child protection, in line with government guidance and expectations. We take these responsibilities very seriously and our aim is for all children to feel safe.

Pupil Welfare

Parents are asked to keep us informed of any changes to their child's health that might affect their well-being at school.  It is important that we are aware of conditions such as asthma, epilepsy, allergies, hearing or sight impairments, diabetes or eczema etc.

Bradford District NHS offers support for the health needs of children in our school through its school nursing services.  School Nurses are responsible for screening children at school entry, checking vision, hearing, weight and height.  Parents can access the school nurse at any time, if they have any concerns.  In school, school nurses may work alongside teachers in a health promotion role. Our school nurse will run regular 'drop in' sessions for parents and these will be advertised in the school's newsletter.


Catholic Care

Sometimes children need a little extra help and support - perhaps they have suffered a bereavement,  their parents are separating, they have suffered some kind of trauma or perhaps they may just need a little TLC. This is where professional counselling can offer support and guidance. Please see Mrs Robinson if you wish your child to see our school counsellor.


We supervise the administration of prescribed medication when it needs to be taken during the school day. Medication should be clearly labelled with the child's name, dosage, method of administration, and timing of dose and be in its original container. Parents/carers are required to complete an administration of medicines form at the school office before we can administer any medication.

Medicines should be delivered to the school by the parent / guardian - never the child.

Children who use inhalers to control asthma are encouraged to do so and will be supervised at school.

In all cases, parents are welcome to administer medicines whenever possible, or if they prefer to do so.

Our trained First Aiders in school are:

  • Mrs Robinson
  • Mrs Miller
  • Mrs Gill
  • Mrs Shackleton
  • Miss Wright
  • Miss Tatham
  • Miss Bowers


If your child bumps their head, they will receive a note to give to you explaining what happened and if any treatment was given. We will also send a text message home to inform you of the note. 


We have a number of children in school with severe and life threatening nut allergies. Therefore, the school has a 'no nut' policy. Please DO NOT allow your child to bring in any food items containing nuts, e.g. cereal bars, chocolates containing nuts etc.  Please also do not bring kiwis or any products containing these in to school. Thank you.

Head Lice and Threadworms

All schools experience head lice and threadworm outbreaks.  We ask all parents to remain vigilant, performing checks at home regularly (especially at the beginning and end of terms), encouraging good hand washing habits at home (after using the toilet and before eating),   and making arrangements for treatment quickly in order to minimise spread.
To help prevent outbreaks, longer hair should be tied back at school, and children are asked to wash their hands before eating and after using the toilet. 
Please see detailed guidance here.  The Public Health Medicine Environmental Group produced a document to advise schools, parents and healthcare professionals and is very thorough: http://www.nhsggc.org.uk/media/239960/stafford-head-lice-2012.pdf.
These links to NHS Choices provide further information on head lice and threadworm.
Sickness and Diarrhoea
Please note, children should stay at home during any bouts of sickness and diarrhoea. They should not return to school until 48 hours AFTER the last episode. This is to try to prevent the virus spreading amongst the other children. Thank you.
There is further advice for other infectious diseases (such as chicken pox, measles, vomitting etc) here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/health-protection-in-schools-and-other-childcare-facilities/chapter-9-managing-specific-infectious-diseases#head-lice