School Policies
Click on the links below to view our school policies. Many of our policies are Trust wide policies.
Please look on the Trust website where indicated:
Acceptable Use Policy and Pupil Acceptable Use Policy Agreement : Trust website
Admissions Policy - see the latest policy and further information under the 'Admission' tab.
Anti-bullying Policy : Trust website
Attendance PolicyBradford Update March 2023
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy.
Complaints Policy : Trust website
Drug and Substance Misuse Policy
Equality Policy and Disability Access Plan
Exclusion Policy: Trust Website
Handwriting and Presentation PolicyHealth and Safety: Trust website
Holidays in term time - application form
Online Safety Policy : Trust website
Recruitment and Selection Policy: Trust Website
Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions: Trust Website
Suspension and Exclusion Policy
Use of Volunteers: Trust Website
Whistleblowing Policy: Trust Website
GDPR Policies
Please see the Trust GDPR policies on the Blessed Christopher Wharton Catholic Academy Trust website. These include the Data Protection Policy, Subject Access Requests and Website Privacy.
Please see the uniform policy for acceptable clothing and rules around jewellery.
Please do not allow the children to bring in toys/ expensive items in from home - we cannot guarantee their safety. If your child brings in a mobile phone, it MUST be given to the office to look after, or the class teacher. Mobiles must not be used on the school site. Although we endeavour to encourage the children to take care of their own, others' and school property, the school takes no responsibility for the safe keeping of mobile phones or any other item children bring into school.
Medical Policies/Information:
Please click here for the form parents need to complete to seek permission for medication to be administered in school. Please bring this with you or we can give you a copy to complete when you arrive. Please see the Trust website for our Trust policies.
Please navigate to the SEN/D section for our SEN/D policy, local offer and other information related to our provision for SEN/D.
Pupil Premium
For the Pupil Premium Policy, please see the Pupil Premium tab which gives further information about our policy and how we use the funding.
For further information on how we keep children safe in and out of school, please see the safeguarding information under the 'Safeguarding' tab. Also, there are several safeguarding Trust policies on the Trust website.
Please note that mobile phones/ electronic devices must not be brought into school. If you wish your child to bring a mobile phone because they walk home independently, they must leave it in the office/give to their teacher during the school day for safe keeping. Children should also not bring in toys, fidget spinners, Tops Trumps/ gaming cards etc into school. Thank you for your support in this matter.
Further information on policies is available from the school office. Please contact us should you require assistance.